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Dated: 11th May 2013
The tireless Seeker
In 50 glorious years of my buoyant existence,
Having trailed the path of a tireless seeker
Seeking far distant & beyond
Blue comfort boundaries (& purged careers)
In a desperate idealistic search
For that infinite fulfill & more….
And then as if God sent In an eternal embrace..
And in a strange conscious surge,
There loomed Hope,
like some Heavenly white clouds Of cosmic relief!
But alas,
So like the deathly mirage of time
So like the outward boisterous world In an utter void of disillusionment
Of a perfect cause
Framed in puerile imperfections
And in human grind & grime,
Of buoyant ideals
Submerged in sacrificial prayers, in dying benediction !
But now,
I have In an outward periphery of infinite search & hope
Lived & loved Moments
More than the memories
Which I bury in a fading past
Deep in disillusionment
And as a flawed cynic, I console myself
This is Just another imperfection of the giving mind In an era of a cause
To “Give & get Give “
But the holding mind
Alas like, a blade of grass ties
Hope against hope In a sequential tryst
For a better day
A fuller day
A quieter hour
In eternal reprieve!