Timeless Journey was a spontaneous surge of musical creativity almost 25 years ago, when I was working with Avery India very early in my career as a drab, boring, mundane Chartered Accountant, after having freshly qualified from audit firm Price Waterhouse. One weekend I decided I had enough of my work life, I landed up in Mumbai, hired a studio and some talented local musicians and started recording. All compositions are in their original form pure and unedited. They reflect my mood and sensitivity at that stage of my life! I finally returned to Calcutta after a few reflective weeks, lured by a promising career joined Siemens and then Heinz in search of further organisational glory. Finally, when I was working with German multinational Bayer as Vice President and located outside India, I decided I had enough and quit the hurly burly of corporate attainment (with the eternal hope of finding more time to pursue my long passion of Cheirology & Cheiromancy ). I jumped over to the ever luring social sector and helped run a local NGO Future Hope (which was for a while quite an amazing experience, so like a silent dawn).
I now seem to have the infinite strength and courage to singularly pursue my twin passions of Chess & Music which I had denied myself all these years . Thanks to dear Shalini for all of this.
Perhaps it is symbolic that Timeless Journey takes me back to the very beginning of my life circle and I once again see everything around me with the freshness, energy and love the intuitive mind deserves.
Timeless Journey is specially dedicated to my wife Arpita who has stood by me these 25 years long, silently loved me over time, and perhaps continues to do so even after all these years… !
Timeless Journey is also dedicated to my older brother Ishan who has been more than an inspiration. I now have the unfinished agenda of publishing some of his brilliant poems in the very near future !