Flights of fantasy

When I am half awake
In drowsy sleepiness
By my glass pane
I see nothing but
brown autumn leaves
Sing freely
A million lullabies
In an ever rustling chorus
Of crystal happiness,
I see you.
And the heavenly droplets
In dew drops
like cherry berries,
Hanging from every tree
Start dancing
A timeless waltz
Of transience,
Once again
I see you.
And the
Chirping birds clap
their waving wonder wings
in one fierce glee
As if to flag off
An unseen race
of timeless happiness
One final lap
I see you again.
And when the evening breeze
Comes whistling in softly,
alongwith some soothing rifts
Of a timeless melody
By the smooth jazz bar
I hear you,
And luckily when I
have a blue eyed angel
me a glass jug full
Of some ethereal
magic potion (of a spirit )
I feel you too,
Drifting within me
In slow motion,
With every sip…

And all of a sudden
The silver moonlight too,
Becomes you.

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