When i smell the white talcum
smeared across the soft bums
of the new born child,
held tenderly
By her protective mother’s arms
across my verandah,
I think of her
When i sight my morning porridge
mixed in a sluggish slur
by the chequered breakfast table
In my morning rush
i think of Farex
yesteryears and beyond,
I think of her…
When I step across my landing wide,
for the lazy lift
to crawl up
I wait in eternity, it seems
Then suddenly, a pony tailed
bubbly girl steps out sprightly,
I think of her..
When I start my black car
In the monotone of a boring buzz
I let go my clutch
I let go much more
I remember then to deftly switch on
the “mooosik” of my life
i think of her…
When I “dwive” past evening trees
In slow motion of feel
i “dwive” past a pure white moon,
In a timeless reel,
I let go of all that i carry with me
I then let go of all memories, yet
I think of her.
When I hear by nightfall quiet
faintly in the distance,
A heavenly duet,
Of a piano & a violin
In a playful tryst
A timeless melody
In one magic of it all,
I think of her.